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Exporting Settings

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You can selectively save your program settings, in order to transfer them to another computer, upgrade to a newer version, or share them with another Beyond Compare user.

To export your settings

1.Pick Tools > Export Settings.

2.Pick the types of settings you wish to export:

Program Options include most of your preferences set in the Options dialog.

Theme, Colors, Fonts include all of your preferences set on its page of the Options dialog.

Toolbars, Shortcuts, Menus include your preferences set on its page of the Options dialog.

Program State includes things like window positions and MRU lists.

Sessions include some or all of your named sessions.

File Formats include some or all of your customized file formats.

Profiles include some or all of your named profiles, containing settings for FTP, etc.

System Info includes information about your computer and your Beyond Compare installation.  It is useful for support purposes, to help us debug problems.

3.If you are exporting sessions, file formats, or profiles, click Next to pick the specific named items to be included.

4.Click Finish to export the settings.  A settings package (.bcpkg) will be created.