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Managing Workspaces

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To save your current workspace configuration

1.Pick Session > Save Workspace As.

2.Enter a unique name or pick a saved workspace to be replaced from the dropdown list.

To reload a saved workspace

Pick Session > Load Workspace and pick a saved workspace from the submenu.  This will close all current sessions and reopen the saved configuration.

To delete or rename saved workspaces

1.Pick Session > Load Workspace > Manage Workspaces.

2.Pick a saved workspace and press F2 to rename it, or DEL to delete it.

To automatically load or save workspaces

In the Manage Workspaces dialog, you can click the Shortcut edit and press a key combination to be used to quickly load the selected workspace from within Beyond Compare.

You can specify a workspace name in On startup, load and/or in On exit, save as.  The Options dialog also has these options on its Startup page.

You can also load a workspace by specifying it on the command line.