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Beyond Compare

Beyond Compare automatically saves your most recent sessions so you can come back to them easily.  If you want to retain a session indefinitely, you can save it with a descriptive name.  You can also organize your named sessions within session folders.

Use the Home view to manage all your sessions in one place.  In the Sessions tree, you can right-click on a saved session and pick Edit to show the management panel.  Click on the Pin Session Management Panel button or mark View > Show Session Management to force it to always be shown in the Home view. Delete and Rename are also available in the right-click menu for saved sessions.

A named session can be locked to guard against accidental modifications.  Right-click on it in the Sessions tree and pick Lock.

Once a session is opened in a view, the Session menu contains common commands for manipulating it.  If you make a change to the primary parameters of a named session, you will be prompted to save it on exit.

To change default session settings

In the Home view's Sessions tree, under the New branch, select a session type.  Right-click on it and pick Edit to show the management panel.  Changes to these default settings will now be used for any newly created sessions of that type.

See also

Session Settings