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Beyond Compare

Each line in the display represents a comparison column, and shows:

Left file column number, sample data if available

Right file column number, sample data if available

Importance summary of column comparison

To control the alignment of rows

Define as many columns as keys as necessary to uniquely identify each row.  To define a column as a key, right-click the appropriate line and select Key.  If multiple keys are defined, precedence follows the order in the comparison.  If no keys are defined, the alignment will use all of the columns to uniquely identify each row.

To control the alignment of columns

By default, the comparison assumes the columns of the files are in the same order.  To change the comparison order of a column in the left file, position on the appropriate line under Left file, and click the Move Up or Move Down button as necessary.  If you select the entire line, those buttons will change the position of the comparison column itself. Click the Tidy button to remove any blank lines from the list.

To control how column data is compared

Double-click the appropriate line to open the Importance dialog.  To change the default Importance settings, click the Edit Default button.