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From Our Users

On 05/14/2024, Jim B. wrote:
"Hello and Thanks!"

To Whom it May Concern,

I just found your website as I was checking on the latest version of Beyond Compare.

While I can't find documentation to prove it, looking at your version time-line, I think I have been using your product since 2.x.

I am currently using 4.4.7 build 28397.

I cannot tell you how often BC has saved my backside!

Being a belt-and-suspenders type of guy, I kept backups of my backups and was working with PCs in three different location (ie- three different addresses in the city).

I, of course, tended to be a bit careless when working with my data... it got (gets) pretty ugly at times.

I have always been able to use BC to get me out of a jam. My computer/file maintenance would have been a thousand times worse if it wasn't for your product.

Metaphorically, if my computers were on fire and I could only pick one program to save, it would be Beyond Compare.

BTW- really enjoyed the video tour of your office!

I look forward to seeing BC 5 once it gets out of beta.