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Beyond Compare

The main menu changes depending on what kind of view is active.  However, the commands listed below are common across different view types.

Pick Tools > Options and switch to the Commands page to define your own keyboard shortcuts, and hide or expose commands on the menus and toolbars.

The Session menu

New Session

Opens a new view with an empty session of the specified type.

New Tab

Opens a new tab in the current window and displays the Home view.

New Window

Opens a new window and displays the Home view.

Open Session

Opens a new view and displays the Home view.

Load Workspace

Lists saved workspaces.  Picking one closes any open views and restores the selected configuration.

Load Workspace >

 Manage Workspaces

Lets you rename or delete saved workspaces.

Save Workspace As

Saves the current configuration of windows and tabs as a named workspace.

Close Tab

Closes the current tab.


Quits Beyond Compare, prompting to save any edits.  All of the instance's windows will close.

The Tools menu


Opens the Options dialog to set program preferences.

File Formats

Opens the File Formats dialog to manage file format settings.


Opens the Profiles dialog to manage profile settings.

Source Control Integration

Opens the Source Control Integration dialog.  Available in Windows version only.

Export Settings

Opens the Export Settings dialog to selectively save settings and sessions to a file.

Import Settings

Opens the Import Settings dialog to selectively load settings and sessions from a file.

Restore Factory Defaults

Opens the Restore Factory Defaults dialog to selectively reset settings to defaults.

Save Snapshot

Opens the Save Snapshot dialog to create a snapshot of a folder structure.

Edit Text File

Opens a new Text Edit view.

View Patch

Opens a new Text Patch view.

The Help menu


Displays help contents.

Context Sensitive Help

Displays help contents page relevant to what you are focused on.

Scooter Software on the Web

Opens the Scooter Software website in your browser.

Check for Updates

Checks to see if a newer version of Beyond Compare is available.


Opens the Support dialog which lists instructions for reporting problems.

Enter Key

Opens the Register dialog to accept your license key.

About Beyond Compare

Displays the About box with program version and license information.