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Beyond Compare

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Table Compare Commands

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Following is a description of the Table Compare commands, in addition to the common commands.  Most of these commands are available as toolbar buttons.

Pick Tools > Options and switch to the Commands page to define your own keyboard shortcuts, and hide or expose commands on the menus and toolbars.

The Session menu

Save Session

Saves the current session.

Save Session As

Saves the current session under a new name.

Session Settings

Opens the Table Compare Session Settings dialog.


Locks or unlocks current session.

Clear Session

Replaces the current view with an empty Table Compare.

Swap Sides

Exchanges the left and right files.

Reload Files

Reloads the displayed files, prompting to save first if necessary.

Recompare Files

Recompares the displayed files, preserving edits, but not undoability.

Table Compare Report

Produces the Table Compare report.

Table Compare Info

Displays comparison statistics.

Compare Files Using

Opens the displayed files in a new session using a different class of file view.

Compare Parent Folders

Opens a new Folder Compare session based on the parent folders of the currently loaded files.

The File menu

Open File

Opens an existing file into the picked pane.

Open File on File System *

Opens an existing local file into the picked pane.

Open File Using Profile *

Opens an existing file into the picked pane using a profile.

Open Clipboard

Loads the Clipboard contents into the picked pane.

Open With

Opens the picked pane's file in one of the external Open With applications.

Open With >

 Associated Application

Opens the picked pane's file with its associated application.

Open With >

 Text Edit

Opens the picked pane's file with the built-in text editor.

Save File

Saves the modified file from the picked pane.

Save File As

Saves the file from the picked pane with a new name.

Save File on File System As *

Saves the file from the picked pane with a new name on the file system.

Save File Using Profile As *

Saves the file from the picked pane with a new name using a profile.


Displays the file manager's context menu for the file in the picked pane.

The Edit menu


Undoes previous action.


Redoes previously undone action.

Align With

Allows you to select a row, and then click on a row on the other side to force them to be side-by-side.

Copy to Right / Copy to Left *

Copies selected cells to indicated side.

Copy to Other Side

Copies selected cells to opposite side.  The caption and icon appear as Copy to Right or Copy to Left depending on the current side.

Copy Row to Right / Copy Row to Left *

Copies selected rows to indicated side.

Copy Row to Other Side

Copies selected rows to other side.  The caption and icon appear as Copy Row to Right or Copy Row to Left depending on the current side.

Cut / Copy / Paste / Delete

Standard editing commands.

Delete Row

Deletes selected rows.

Delete Column

Deletes selected columns.

Insert Row Before

Inserts new row above current row.

Insert Row After

Inserts new row below current row.

Insert Column Before

Inserts new column to the left of current column.

Insert Column After

Inserts new column to the right of current column.


Toggles edit mode on current cell.


Sorts selected data.

Select All

Selects all visible rows in the current pane.

The Search menu

Next Difference Cell

Positions at next difference cell.

Previous Difference Cell

Positions at previous difference cell.

Next Difference Row

Positions at next difference row.

Previous Difference Row

Positions at previous difference row.

Next Difference Files

Opens the parent folder session's next pair of files with differences.  (Child sessions only.)

Previous Difference Files

Opens the parent folder session's previous pair of files with differences.  (Child sessions only.)

Copy File to Right and Open Next Difference

Copies the entire left-side file to the right and opens the folder session's next different files.  (Child sessions only.)

Copy File to Left and Open Next Difference

Copies the entire right-side file to the left and opens the folder session's next different files.  (Child sessions only.)

Next Edit

Positions at the next edited row beyond the cursor.

Previous Edit

Positions at previous edited row before the cursor.


Searches for matching text.


Replaces matching text.

Find Next

Finds next occurrence of search string.

Find Previous

Finds previous occurrence of search string.

Go To

Positions at specified row and column.

The View menu

Show All

Shows all rows, with or without differences.

Show Differences

Shows only rows with differences.

Show Same

Shows only rows without differences.

Show None *

Hides all rows.

Ignore Unimportant Differences

Treats unimportant differences as same.

Hide Same Columns

Hides columns with no differences.

Resize Columns to Fit

Makes columns wide enough for data to be fully visible.

Visible Whitespace

Shows or hides visible spaces, tabs.

Row Numbers

Shows or hides row numbers.

Display Font *

Selects the font to use to display file data.

Increase Display Font Size *

Increases editor font size.

Decrease Display Font Size *

Decreases editor font size.

Reset Display Font Size *

Resets editor font size.

Side-by-Side Layout

Arranges panes left and right of each other.

Over-Under Layout

Arranges panes above and below each other.


Shows or hides the thumbnail summary of changes at left of view.

Text Details

Shows or hides the text details panel at bottom of view.

File Info

Shows or hides file information panels at the top of panes.


Shows or hides the toolbar.

* Hidden by default.